This Stamping was intended for the illustration of the "Treaty of decoration and beauty of the factories" of the architect Don Diego de Villanueva, work commissioned by the Royal Academy of San Fernando in 1762. Among the different artists who recorded the works are Hipólito Ricarte, Jerónimo Antonio Gil, Manuel Rodríguez, Juan Fernando Palomino, Nemesio López, Manuel Monfort and Juan Mingue
Bibliographic references:
BARRENA, Clemente; BLAS, Javier; CARRETE, Juan; MEDRANO, José M., "CALCOGRAFÍA NACIONAL, Catálogo general", Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid, 2004, vol. I, 234, cat. 2443 - 2476.
Guarantee of origin:
Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. Calcografía Nacional.