Shipping costs to United States: €88.20
Estimated shipping costs. Please
log in or
register to find out your shipping address and provide you with exact shipping costs
Gastos de envío (cart)
Gastos de envío a United States: €88.20
Solo gastos de envío sin precio embalaje: 88.200000
peso: 0.500000
impuestos: 0
precio en Prestashop, impuestos incluídos: €57.52
precio: 57.52064
shippinghandling: 0
additional_shipping_cost: 0.000000
suma total: €145.72
registrado: no
carrier zones:
zona: 2
Carrier Object
[id_reference] => 2
[name] => International Shipping
[url] =>
[delay] => Array
[1] => Entre 7 y 14 días laborables
[2] => Between 7 and 14 business days
[active] => 1
[deleted] => 0
[shipping_handling] => 1
[range_behavior] => 0
[is_module] => 0
[is_free] => 0
[shipping_method] => 1
[shipping_external] => 0
[external_module_name] =>
[need_range] => 0
[position] => 0
[max_width] => 0
[max_height] => 0
[max_depth] => 0
[max_weight] => 0.000000
[grade] => 0
[webserviceParameters:protected] => Array
[fields] => Array
[deleted] => Array
[is_module] => Array
[id_tax_rules_group] => Array
[getter] => getIdTaxRulesGroup
[setter] => setTaxRulesGroup
[xlink_resource] => Array
[resourceName] => tax_rule_groups
[id] => 97
[id_lang:protected] =>
[id_shop:protected] => 1
[id_shop_list] => Array
[get_shop_from_context:protected] => 1
[table:protected] => carrier
[identifier:protected] => id_carrier
[fieldsRequired:protected] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => active
[fieldsSize:protected] => Array
[name] => 64
[grade] => 1
[external_module_name] => 64
[fieldsValidate:protected] => Array
[name] => isCarrierName
[active] => isBool
[is_free] => isBool
[url] => isAbsoluteUrl
[shipping_handling] => isBool
[range_behavior] => isBool
[shipping_method] => isUnsignedInt
[max_width] => isUnsignedInt
[max_height] => isUnsignedInt
[max_depth] => isUnsignedInt
[max_weight] => isFloat
[grade] => isUnsignedInt
[is_module] => isBool
[deleted] => isBool
[fieldsRequiredLang:protected] => Array
[0] => delay
[fieldsSizeLang:protected] => Array
[delay] => 512
[fieldsValidateLang:protected] => Array
[delay] => isGenericName
[tables:protected] => Array
[image_dir:protected] => /data/webs/tiendarabasf/img/s/
[image_format:protected] => jpg
[translator:protected] =>
[def:protected] => Array
[table] => carrier
[primary] => id_carrier
[multilang] => 1
[multilang_shop] => 1
[fields] => Array
[id_reference] => Array
[type] => 1
[name] => Array
[type] => 3
[validate] => isCarrierName
[required] => 1
[size] => 64
[active] => Array
[type] => 2
[validate] => isBool
[required] => 1
[is_free] => Array
[type] => 2
[validate] => isBool
[url] => Array
[type] => 3
[validate] => isAbsoluteUrl
[shipping_handling] => Array
[type] => 2
[validate] => isBool
[shipping_external] => Array
[type] => 2
[range_behavior] => Array
[type] => 2
[validate] => isBool
[shipping_method] => Array
[type] => 1
[validate] => isUnsignedInt
[max_width] => Array
[type] => 1
[validate] => isUnsignedInt
[max_height] => Array
[type] => 1
[validate] => isUnsignedInt
[max_depth] => Array
[type] => 1
[validate] => isUnsignedInt
[max_weight] => Array
[type] => 4
[validate] => isFloat
[grade] => Array
[type] => 1
[validate] => isUnsignedInt
[size] => 1
[external_module_name] => Array
[type] => 3
[size] => 64
[is_module] => Array
[type] => 2
[validate] => isBool
[need_range] => Array
[type] => 2
[position] => Array
[type] => 1
[deleted] => Array
[type] => 2
[validate] => isBool
[delay] => Array
[type] => 3
[lang] => 1
[validate] => isGenericName
[required] => 1
[size] => 512
[classname] => Carrier
[associations] => Array
[l] => Array
[type] => 2
[field] => id_carrier
[foreign_field] => id_carrier
[update_fields:protected] =>
[force_id] =>
Cookie Object
[_content:protected] => Array
[date_add] => 2025-03-03 10:57:11
[id_lang] => 2
[iso_code_country] => US
[id_currency] => 1
[_name:protected] => PrestaShop-0af0b6fbd8d64685c1496ca1f27d199f
[_expire:protected] => 1746323831
[_domain:protected] =>
[_sameSite:protected] => Lax
[_path:protected] => /
[cipherTool:protected] => PhpEncryption Object
[_modified:protected] =>
[_allow_writing:protected] => 1
[_salt:protected] => kLmBcDtJOgGkNwQEqsFhsp89dY8aXrTY
[_standalone:protected] =>
[_secure:protected] => 1