
López Enguídanos, Tomás

Don Quixote returns injured to his village (2nd plate)

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Tomás López Enguídanos Valencian artist who begins his training at the Academy of San Carlos in his hometown. He continued his studies at the Royal Academy of San Fernando in Madrid, until 1890. After appearing in different competitions of the Academy, he received up to eight awards. He was appointed academician of merit of this institution in 1802, and two years later he was proclaimed as chamber engraver of Charles IV, specifically he worked with greater skill the technique of engraving to the sweet carving. He would participate in important projects resulting from the illustrated policy such as the Views of the Ports of Spain, the Collection of Portraits of the Illustrious Spaniards or the Views of the Monastery of El Escorial, among others.

Don Quixote returns injured to his village (2nd plate)
López Enguídanos, TomásValencia, 1773 - Madrid, 1814
Rivelles, José
Sheet dimensions (approx.):
285 x 252 mm
Platemark dimensions:
220 x 160 mm
Stamping year:
Etching and burin, intaglio
Bibliographic references:
BARRENA, Clemente; BLAS, Javier; CARRETE, Juan; MEDRANO, José M., "CALCOGRAFÍA NACIONAL, Catálogo general", Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid, 2004, vol. II, 620 - 621, cat. 5546 - 5565
Guarantee of origin:
Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. Calcografía Nacional.
Size of each artwork may vary in millimeters.

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