
Blanco, Alejandro

Conversation between Sancho and Teresa Panza (11th plate)

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Alejandro Blanco y Assensio was a Spanish engraver trained at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, where he was admitted as an academic of merit in recognition of his work in 1829. Successor of the great Vicente López Enguídanos, he participated in numerous and important projects, works and publications of the time.

From illustrations and illuminations of books, the engraving of prints of the Don Quixote edition or the realization of some portraits, such as the portrait of María Isabel de Braganza or María Josefa Amalia de Sajonia. While engraving, and more specifically some of his techniques such as lithography, were gaining strength, he came to participate in one of the most important works of that time, the Lithographic Collection of the paintings of the King of Spain Fernando VII, even reproducing works of great masters of history such as Velázquez, Rubens, Anton Van Dyck or José Madrazo, among others.

Conversation between Sancho and Teresa Panza (11th plate)
Blanco, AlejandroSuellacabras, Soria, 1779 - Madrid, 1848
Rivelles, José
Sheet dimensions (approx.):
285 x 252 mm
Platemark dimensions:
220 x 160 mm
Plate etching year:
ca. 1819
Stamping year:
Etching and burin, intaglio
Bibliographic references:
BARRENA, Clemente; BLAS, Javier; CARRETE, Juan; MEDRANO, José M., "CALCOGRAFÍA NACIONAL, Catálogo general", Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid, 2004, vol. II, 620 - 621, cat. 5546 - 5565
Guarantee of origin:
Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. Calcografía Nacional.
Size of each artwork may vary in millimeters.
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