
Solano, Susana


Shipping costs to United States: €88.20

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Gastos de envío a United States: €88.20
Solo gastos de envío sin precio embalaje: 88.200000
peso: 0.800000
impuestos: 0
precio en Prestashop, impuestos incluídos: €1,074.38
precio: 1074.3802
shippinghandling: 0
additional_shipping_cost: 0.000000
suma total: €1,162.58
registrado: no
carrier zones:
zona: 2
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She has participated in international competitions such as Documenta de Kassel VIII and IX (1987 and 1992), XIX Bienal de Sao Paolo (1987), the Skulptur Projekte in Münster (1987), Venice Biennial (1988 and 1993) and the Carnegie International in Pittsburgh (1988).

She received the Special Prize, awarded by The Utsukushi-Ga-Hara Open Air Museum, Tokyo (1985), and the Premio Nacional de las Artes Plásticas of the Spanish Ministry of Culture (1988), in 1996 she received the CEOE prize for the Arts, in 2011 the Tomás Francisco Prieto prize of the Real Casa de la Moneda, the GAC prize for her artistic career in Barcelona (2015) and Mestres, the FAD chain, Barcelona (2018).

He has also collaborated on various occasions with architects for exterior projects: José Acebillo, Ignacio Linazasoro, Hans Hollein, Rodrigo Prats, Ignasi Sánchez Doménech, Rafael Moneo, Francisco Torres, Victor Rahola, Javier Romero, Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra and Ferran Vizoso.

Solano, Susana
Sheet dimensions (approx.):
560 x 760 mm
Plate etching year:
Stamping year:
Guarantee of origin:
Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. Calcografía Nacional.

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