
Lobera, Almudena

Fly Suite (Volatile, flight, flying)

Shipping costs to United States: €109.37

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Gastos de envío (cart)
Gastos de envío a United States: €109.37
Solo gastos de envío sin precio embalaje: 109.370000
peso: 1.000000
impuestos: 0
precio en Prestashop, impuestos incluídos: €289.26
precio: 289.2562
shippinghandling: 0
additional_shipping_cost: 0.000000
suma total: €398.63
registrado: no
carrier zones:
zona: 2
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Almudena Lobera is a Spanish artist from Madrid. He studied Fine Arts and the Máter de Creación en Investigación at the Complutense University, as well as at the Universität der Künste in Berlin, at the Hoger Instituut voor Schone Kunsten in Belgium and at the Royal Mint, as well as numerous training residencies around the world. He has exhibited in many collective and individual exhibitions around the world such as the Diablo Rosso gallery in Panama, in the Tijuana'12 contest in Mexico, the ARCO fair in Madrid or the Galerie Suvi Letrhinen in Berlin, among others. It has also been awarded on several occasions, highlighting awards such as the INJUVE or the ESTAMPA'14 Award. His work can be found in the National Library, the National Calcography, the Syzygy Collection and the Jorge Pérez Collection, both in the U.S. or the Aníbal Jozami collection in Argentina.

Fly Suite (Volatile, flight, flying)
Lobera, AlmudenaMadrid, 1984
Guarantee of origin:
Museo del Grabado Español Contemporáneo.
Size of each artwork may vary in millimeters. The number on the purchased artwork may differ from the photograph.
pack1_ lock Created with Sketch.  

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pack1_ local-shipping Created with Sketch.  

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pack1_ loop Created with Sketch.  

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