
Nicolau, José

Paintings of the exterior of the triptych-reliquary of Piedra (Royal Academy of History)

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José Nicolau y Bartomeu was a Spanish painter and engraver from Barcelona. He was a student of the School of Fine Arts of San Jorge, in which he already obtained at an early age different prizes, presenting his work for the first time in the National Exhibition of Fine Arts of 1866. Two years later, he went to Paris, where he worked as an engraver and lithographer on request, returning to Spain for the National Exhibition of 1871. Already established in Madrid he participated in the collection of Architectural Monuments of Spain, and collaborated in various publications of an artistic nature.

He was a founding member of the Watercolor Society, and in the exhibitions organized by it, he presented much of his work. In 1883 he returned to Barcelona as Professor of Engraving at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of the city, which demonstrates his consolidation in the world of Spanish engraving and the recognition of his contemporaries that he enjoyed.

Paintings of the exterior of the triptych-reliquary of Piedra (Royal Academy of History)
Nicolau, JoséActivo en Barcelona y Madrid entre 1868 y 1884
Aznar y García, Francisco
Sheet dimensions (approx.):
600 x 745 mm
Platemark dimensions:
465 x 630 mm
Plate etching year:
1852 - 1881
Stamping year:
Additional information:
Engraved by drawing by Francisco Aznar y García (1834-1911).
Bibliographic references:
BORDES, Juan, "Monumentos Arquitectónicos de España 1852 - 1881", Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando [etc.], Madrid, 2014, 95, cat. 261 - 281.
Guarantee of origin:
Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. Calcografía Nacional.
Being an original print from the 19th century, it may present some marks that the pass of time has given it. Size of each artwork may vary in millimeters.
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